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We provide the financial services promoted and offered here as a company (ŠOLC & PARTNEŘI Majetkové a Investiční poradenství s.r.o., IČO: 17612420, with headquarters in K Říčanům, 103 00 Praha-Kolovraty) through our financial advisors listed on this website, in the role of a bonded representative for investment/independent intermediary SAB servis s.r.o., IČ: 24704008, with registered office at Jungmannova 748/30, 110 00 Prague 1, in the following financial areas: investments according to Act no. 256/2004 Coll., consumer loans according to Act no. 257/2016 Coll., insurance according to Act no. 170/2018 Coll., supplementary pension savings according to Act no. 427/2011 Coll. Our authorization can be verified in the Czech National Bank’s List of Regulated and Registered Financial Market Entities at, where you will also find current information and details about our registration and the scope of our authorization.